Wednesday, February 11, 2009


That's right folks...Duke-UNC tonight at 9pm.  Lathan's gonna get some bouncing during the game I'm sure. Fortunately Andy and I aren't the types that yell at the screen during a game.  We do high-five a lot when there are face-melting shots from behind the arc though.  I even preempted American Idol for this game (don't worry...there's a backup plan-Tivo in the bedroom!).  I'm sorry but I've got to see the conclusion to Hollywood week, right Idol fans?  By the way, in case any of you didn't see the amazing buzzer beating shot by Lawson a week or so ago in the FSU game you gotta check it out.

Lathan had the best seat in the house (our house, that is) for the last UNC game.

Speaking of bouncing...I've noticed that Lathan likes it when I'm laughing.  I'm sure he's used to the motion from being in the womb.  We were cracking up at the Daily Show last night and he just snoozed right though my guffaws on my chest.  We've decided he's going to be a funny kid.  Of course we don't get to decided that...we may get Alex P. Keaton instead.  Either way, he's cool.

We've had a lovely day today.  Lathan and I took our first walk around the neighborhood!  We used our car-seat adapter for the "uppababy" stroller (we are really diggin' the stroller) and it worked splendidly.  It wasn't a long walk but he seemed to like it.  There was a lot of wind today so we decided it felt like the beach (this was a good test run for heading out to the grandparents place at Hatteras).  He had a nice shady trip out but lots of sun on the way back. There was no fussing so we're chalking it up as a successful trip.  

Finally, watch this hilarious SNL "commercial".  Couldn't have had a timelier release.  You may need your own pampers in order to watch this.

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